I don't want to live in fear.
I do, however, want to live purposefully.
Fear drives uncertainty, hesitancy, doubt, timidness
Purpose drives assurance, commitment, trust, boldness
We are not called to a spirit of fear and timidity but of power, love, and sound mind [2 Timothy 1:7]
In defining fear it states, "to feel anxiety or apprehension on behalf of" [someone or something]
A word that comes to mind in reading this definition is debilitating, which speaks of weakness--fear weakens your whole outlook and temperament.
In defining purpose it states, "having or showing determination or resolve; having a useful purpose; intentional"
Let's touch on words that correlate with this definition: strengthen, refresh, revitalize, stimulate, enliven, energize, rejuvenate.
Living with purpose encourages your spirit in times of distress and challenge, which will inevitably arise--
It provides durability and endurance.
Living in fear depletes your resolve before you ever even face a challenge.
With fear you are starting out below ground, grappling and fighting your way up through adversity.
With purpose you are standing above ground with a larger perspective--giving you the ability to conceptualize and prioritize.
God is bigger than our fears.
God provides purpose.