How do you describe yourself? As a mother or father? As a son or daughter? As a sister or brother? As a sports fan? By your job title? By your personality? By your accomplishments? By your talents? If you asked me two years ago I would have said I was a daughter, sister, friend, track athlete, and a student. That is how I would have defined myself and would have thought that was a pretty accurate depiction of who I was as a person. Looking back now I just see a huge gaping hole in that description. First and foremost I am a Christian. My purpose here on this earth is to know God and make Him known. That is not to say I that I do not fall into those other categories but they are just avenues God blessed me with in order to share who He is and spread His word. I am a Christian who just so happens to run track and be a student, not a student or athlete who just happens to be a Christian. I would not be attending school at USF if it weren’t for God’s blessing me with the ability to run. To quote my friend Christine, “running is just a gift I am borrowing from the Lord”, so I will use this blessing for how God intends me to. Whether that is directly through running every race for Him or by using the place where I am in life right now as an athlete to reach others with God’s good news. I now think of my other descriptions and ask myself “How does the Lord want me to use this position to reach others and to glorify Him while I am here?” What are your titles or categories and what is the Lord asking you to do with them?
"Make known among the nations what He has done, and proclaim that His name is exalted"
-Isaiah 12:4
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