I fear; will slowly drive me insane
Jesus says, "daughter, please let go"
"but Jesus sometimes it feels good to stand in the rain"
Tears are invisible when you're drenched in sorrow
"Weep now" He says, "but there will be joy come tomorrow"
But how? And why? I just don't understand
So many things have happened in such a short time; to quick to process.
But our whole life is a blink in His master plan
What is time not moving forward?
I'd say that it is time wasted.
We are called to press on towards the prize.
So why am I waiting?
I want to trust, to completely surrender
To lay at the foot of the cross and lift up my eyes.
To my beautiful, magnificent, gracious Savior.
His arms wrapped around me how can I waiver?
"I'm here" He says, "I'll never leave you" as I let the tears flow
This time not from sorrow but from His peaceful glow
"Weeping may spend the night, but there is joy in the morning" -Psalm 30:5b
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