I was thinking about how most of us are so quick to talk ourselves down and talk down to ourselves. Whether it be to rebuke a compliment from someone or when we, in our hearts, think negatively about the way we look, the way we act, or who we are.
This is heavy on my heart because I am one who easily defaults to these hurtful actions and I hear too many beautiful people I love saying some of the same things.
I say hurtful for two reasons:
1) If someone gives you a compliment it means they care about you. They are offering you a most precious gift. They are demonstrating how they feel about you by voicing their feelings in a slightly vulnerable, if you will, way--by complimenting you. They are building support around you with positive words and affirmations. I believe, and I say this because I need to hear it, that we need to start receiving those compliments. It can be hurtful if we reject the gift of compliment people offer and deny them the opportunity to love us.
2) When we speak negatively to ourselves we are chipping away at the truth of who we are little by little. What we tell ourselves quickly becomes our reality. Speaking harshly to and about ourselves blinds us to who we truly are and reinforces the denials we speak to others when they compliment us. It hurts our core more then I think we even realize and becomes so readily a habit that it is frightening and sad.
So here is my challenge for the week and something I ask you all to try as well:
1) Anytime someone pays you a compliment--before you spit out "Oh gosh no way" or "yeah right" pause and think about it, allow your heart to absorb it and believe its truth and say "Thank you". In return--people who pay the compliments: start expecting a gracious "thank you"! It is easy to become accustomed to hearing it deflected so do not be surprised when someone says thank you--in turn say thank You!
2) Whenever a negative thought about yourself comes to mind try combating that with a positive truth. In your head or out-loud say "I Am Beautiful.", "I Am Loved.", "I Am Worthy." Because you without a shadow of doubt are--forever and always.
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
- Psalm 139:13-14
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