Held back, choked back, retracted out of fear, self-doubt, uncertainty...
Have you ever wondered about the things that were left unspoken?
Precious jewels--wrapped up yet untouched, like discarded gifts
The missed beauty in opportunities
The deep desires of your heart--stored, locked away--unchecked and disengaged for fear of rejection
Necessary apologies choked back on pride
Compliments withdrawn in the uncertainty of the reaction
Restoring words of encouragement held back on principle of "overstepping boundaries" or "it's not my place"
Gentle, but true guidance of misdirection or misdemeanor swallowed up in self-righteousness wrapped up as "accommodating" or "people pleasing"
Praise reports, prayer, God's very name hidden in paralysis of sounding self-righteous or "holier than thou"
or further--being rejected by the world for glorifying God
A quiet squeeze of the hand, soft smile, or warm hug shut away in a box labeled "personal comfort zone", afraid of crossing the line.
Confessions locked up in paralyzing fear of judgment, repercussions, humiliation, disgrace
Stories of triumph stifled from self-doubt or the small, persistent voice of "I'm still not good enough"
Stories of despair covered in masks to hide shame; afraid the vulnerability will truly break me
But who is missing out on love by not sharing?
Who is voicelessly, silently crying out for help that I am overlooking?
Seeking the love that I claim overflows from the Lord
...yet I still remain silent
God has given me a voice...
May I use it to speak life, lift up, encourage, and truly love
May I use it to speak on behalf of someone who doesn't have a voice
May I use it to push past fear and live in freedom
May I use it for His glory.
Hi Robyn this is Mrs. Tucker from Briarcliff, Levi and Jordan's mom.
ReplyDeleteAmen! He has given you a voice so use it to glorify Him! I was blessed by this piece.