Friday, January 27, 2012

The Why?

I had a very humbling thought just now.  So many times in sport if things don't go our way we ask the big "why" question to God.  Why me?  Why did that have to happen?  Why can't I just perform in x, y or z manner?  I know I do that in the sport of track and field.  Why can't I just run that time?  Why does it feel like I'm the only one who can't get it together?  Why can't I perform well when I am trying so hard? 

How selfish are those thoughts.  The wants driven behind them are to look good to other people and to feel good for myself.  They make me cringe a bit.  Maybe it is time to trust the Lord has me in these positions for a reason.  I am not saying I will sit back and not try and be complacent with my opportunity on a college track team.  What I am saying maybe I should start turning my "why" questions into "what" and "how" questions.  Asking the Lord, "Okay God, I know You have this happening for a reason but what am I suppose to do?  What role do You have for me to play?  How can I turn this around to glorify You?" 

If you can relate to situations like this I challenge you to take a step back and try and look at things from His perspective.  He will reveal things to you: people who are struggling through same issues and you can reach out to help them, chances to shine the light of Christ even when your circumstances are stacked against you, people in your life you might not have met if things had just went as you wanted.  God knows what you want but gives you what you need.  Are you ready to ask God: "What do You have me here for Lord? How can I help?"

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you."
 - Psalm 32:8

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