Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Totally Amazing

So this morning on my run, I was contemplating the indescribable awesomeness of the Lord.  My usual thoughts while running (what better way to pass the time!!) Anyway, the Lord put it simply in front of me to see just how amazing He is...and here it is.

Imagine having the responsibility of someone's life.  You know the absolute perfect plan for their life that will make them the happiest they can be and give them the most satisfying life.  You know every detail and situation they will go in and what choice will be the best one for them to take.

First off, that alone is absolutely crazy.  There is no way you can even be sure about your own life and figure out your own feelings that much, let alone know exactly what someone else is going through in order to put them in the best position.

Moving along.  Now imagine you have to guide them through day by day, step by step in order to push them in the right direction.  Imagine watching them mess up and figuring out another way to redeem their mistake and push them on towards a fulfilling life.  Imagine them failing time and time again and not giving up on them.  You are patient, understanding, and loving, even when they spit right in your face and turn around to walk away from you.  You care about them so much that you are completely selfless in your love and are forever extending them grace when they mess up and encouraging them in truth of the potential satisfying life ahead of them, if they want it.

Are you truly imagining this?  Are you picturing how hard that would be?  That is exactly how God works in our lives.  But, the astounding thing is...the Lord does this not just for me, or you, or one sole person, but for all of humanity!!!! He is all things awesome and wonderful enough to want the best for each and every one of us.  He has the ability to orchestrate every single one of our lives in order for them to be fulfilled and satisfied in His love.  Whew.  I know.  Incredible.

“Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens, as he chose us in him, before the foundation of the world, to be holy and without blemish before him.” 
- Ephesians 1:3-4

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