Does not every woman long to be one?
Desire to be loved, chosen, set aside
for one man to love, to always reside
in his heart. Seen as beautiful. Cherished. Perfect.
To be sacrificed for and seen as worth it.
For his love to define unconditional,
defy unconditional.
This pull on my heart really seems critical
for completion.
Am I beautiful?
Am I lovely?
My heart's cry is an answer to these questions
My heart screams this--asking for fulfillment
but on the outside I'm quiet: "I'm not good enough"
is the punishment
pressed on my mind, by the world and by Satan.
Twists God's truths right around; suffocating me--caged in.
I'm cornered. Self-doubt and loathing creeps in, sets a trap.
"Whatever, I'm useless..." I guess that's a wrap.
That's it? No, no--haven't you heard
that the bad guy never wins?
That's because the good guy is our
one. gracious. King.
Who defeated our sins. Let's us begin
Again. Anew, as stated in 2 Corinthians 5:17
If anyone is in Christ then surely he's clean
the old passed away, no longer, dead and gone.
The new has arrived, so of course you belong.
Truths from God's Word are like a breath of fresh air.
Give me more please
I need more
My soul needs some repair.
"For your Maker is your husband, the Lord Almighty is His name"
Isaiah 54:5 puts all my worries to shame.
Let that one sink in.
Goodbye Satan, his doubts and attempts to pin
me down.
No more, no longer with the lies.
Am I beautiful?
Am I lovely?
Let's take a look through God's eyes.
Song of Solomon 4:1 repeats a resounding YES!
God chose me as His wife;
in a clean, white dress.
I long to be a bride?
I shall look no further then Jesus.
Capturing my heart with His love,
I'll always be satisfied.
"How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful!"
-Song of Solomon 4:1
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