Friday, January 18, 2013

Passion 2013

This is something I wrote after my time spent at Passion over Christmas break.  It goes through how the Lord revealed Himself to me in that time and also about the issue of modern day slavery in today's world.  27 million slaves are currently in the world, more than any other time in history.  To help promote and end slavery you can go to and sign the pledge to end slavery! 

Lord God
Open my eyes to all that You are.
I tend to limit You, confined to a jar.
But You are limitless; both vast and intricate.

Displayed in the grandest of ways
But also oh so delicate.

In the quiet of my time spent with You in the morning
My whole body is relaxed, filled with the chills of your calming.

In a dome maxed out with Your sons and daughters
My whole body pulses, unable to contain the steady stream of living water.

When I pray for clarity “all of a sudden” there You are
With me shamefully realizing I never had to look far:

Reunions with friends from all life’s stages.
The miracles I experienced with them, I could write on tons of pages

A friend’s comfort at just the right time
Your light bursts through her and continues to shine

A man’s uninhibited worship and praise
I could sense Your love; constant for him through all days

The warm smile from an unknown face
Displayed for the world, no matter the color or race

Spontaneous worship with “strangers” passing through
Realizing they are not strangers, but Your children too

Uncontrollable laughter; uncontrollable tears
Each telling a story of many years.

The experience of the presence of angels and then prompted to worship
“The God of angel armies is always by my side” is what was first said

There is no such thing as coincidence; only God’s divine plan
I’ve been struggling trusting financially, but praying I can
You show up in two extra breakfast passes and paying for the parking of our van

You are in a friends sweet tears of guilt as they confess
You are there as those tears turn to relief; freed by forgiveness

You are there in the healing of a precious friend
“laughter is the best medicine” right to the end

You are there smiling down when conversing with someone new
Each sharing of the marvelous things that You do.

You are there in the moments of realization of sharing the same Spirit
How else could we explain all the moments of agreement?

You are there in each of the speakers, the light shining in their eyes
As they proclaim God’s truths and cover up Satan’s lies

You are in each innocent face, journey, and story
Captured in slavery but freed through Your glory

You are in each person present, captivated in disgust
27 million slaves? We must do something, rise up. – sign the pledge, promote the change
It’s necessary for freedom, give these beautiful people some range
To share their voice in the light when their lost in the dark
Wear red “X’s” on April 9th, display the mark
To promote awareness on this overlooked issue
God wants slavery to end, let’s help Him re-issue
Freedom, life and joy to these sweet individuals
It may seem small, but awareness and prayers are critical
Ultimately trusting in our Savior and Lord
To bring this dream to reality, doing immeasurably more.

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." - Galatians 5:1 

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