Who knew you could feel totally, wholly, and completely loved and feel absolutely unworthy at the same time. That is what I felt going through UTC. To be pushed physically to where I had to rely solely on Jesus alone to get me through the S.P.E.C.I.A.L.’s 20 hours of physical activity does not give the experience justice. In my right mind, or perhaps my wrong or worldly mind, I could not move my body. As soon as a thought like that threatened to cross my mind; however, I would counter it with, “He did unthinkably more for you…do not quit!” With those thoughts my body felt recharged and I felt like I could do anything, in Jesus’ name. To complain about my body hurting after the S.P.E.C.I.A.L or to complain about anything in life would be like a slap in the face for all Christ did for us. So instead, I embrace my sore ligaments and bruised body and trade that all in for a want for a whole heart in the Lord. How interesting that what keeps the physical body pumping also is what keeps the spiritual blood pumping, but I’d offer up an arm or a leg any day if it meant I gained a righteous heart. That’s what UTC taught me. To be humbled in God’s grace and offer everything you do in life up to Him.
To My Supporters,
As you all know, I spent a week in Fort Collins, CO at Colorado State University from May 29th to June 4th for a Christian based athletic camp run by Athletes in Action called, the Ultimate Training Camp. The camp consisted of a couple days of learning about biblical principles and how to apply them to everyday life, zoning in especially on applying it to your sport. The end of this camp ended in something called the S.P.E.C.I.A.L, which is a multisport marathon that lasted approximately 20 hours to push us to our physical limits. This tested how we handled stress, fatigue and unthinkable odds with the newly learned principles and outlook towards our sport and life.
The last night of camp I shared with my peers and I’d like to share with you as well, how God has a knack for perfect timing. I was supposed to go to the first week of this camp but God knew I needed to go the second week. It was great timing in my life to be totally open in my mind and in my heart and be so willing to listen and take advice. At points it was very difficult because the signs and things God was teaching me were very blunt and upfront and ultimately life changing. This is where the big word came into play, trust. Little by little I let go of the reigns I was trying to hold onto for so long and let God take the lead. In doing so, I have seen many changes and have had a relief and peace about my life that I am so very thankful for.
It was a great experience to be in such a tight knit environment where everyone was focused on the same thing to get them through life’s obstacles. The fact that everyone’s focus was on Jesus to get them through was an even greater experience and I have learned so much through every person that was at the camp. Through personal conversations with them, hearing their testimonies, or just witnessing how they interact and apply God in their lives was so encouraging and taught me how to take a step back sometimes and truly see what God is trying to show me through other people placed in my life.
One expectation I had going into this camp was to learn how to deal with my sport; whether I be having a standout season, or I felt I was not competing the best I could. I will be the first to say that even after going through this experience, it will take time and effort to reform my selfish ways of feeling sorry for myself when I don’t compete well. I also will tell you that this camp has completely changed my outlook on life and my sport and I will now consciously make the effort to put God first in my life and let everything else follow, including competitions. I am excited to bring back to my campus what I have learned and hope to reach out to other girls on my team and possibly disciple them, not only for their sport but in their walk with God as well.
I want to thank each of you again because without you I would not be sitting here typing out my life changing experience. None of this would even be possible if I didn’t receive such generous and heartfelt support! God started my journey when I received your letters and support by showing me how truly blessed I am to have so many people who care enough about me to invest time and money into an experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life. My complete sincere thanks for your support and prayers!
Robyn Oakley
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