On my run today, also known as, my daily date with the Lord, I was thinking of the phrase “the grass is always greener on the other side.” I found it so fitting to apply in terms of the Lord’s impact on my life. Before, when I just kept God as a lifeline when I was in trouble, the grass in my field was hurtin’. You know the yellow straw kind with more dirt then grass itself? That’s where I lived. Sure, I had good times but they weren’t as satisfying because I wasn’t glorifying. And when I hit a low point. Look out. Pity party? Check. Worrying to the point of over exaggeration? Check. A lot of things felt like too much, like I couldn’t possibly survive on my own. That is because I couldn’t. I can’t. And I never will be able to. I need the Lord to sustain me, to pick up my worries and doubts and carry them on His shoulders and bless me with a grace beyond my understanding.
The Lord instills a peace to take on everyday and love for Him. I need the Lord to make that straw grass in my life so green and plush that there is too much for me and it spills out to others around me. I see more good times because trusting in the Lord and drawing close to Him opens my eyes to opportunities I would have otherwise overlooked. With God, everything seems greener. Even the low points have a green tint because I know it is promising in my fulfillment in the Lord and His plan. With God I can pack up those once overwhelming problems and just stick them in my pocket because I know He has so much more in store for me in my life to waste it on dwelling or self pity. If I need to be a voice to someone else who is struggling in that straw field I would gladly push aside my own issues and hand them some fertilizer to get that beautiful lawn God intended growing. There is plenty to go around because the Lord’s love is endless.
I don’t know whether you are living in a field of straw or grass but I’ll ask you this: do you use God as a lifeline, spread Him on real quick like miracle grow and expect something to happen. Or is your relationship with God an everyday engagement like a gardener fertilizing, weeding and watering? One takes a bit more commitment but it does not even began to compare to the commitment the Lord has made to us.
What do you want your field to look like?
“When you see these things, your heart will rejoice. You will flourish like the grass! Everyone will see the LORD's hand of blessing on his servants--and his anger against his enemies.”
–Isaiah 66:14
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