On any given day, I spend 1-2 hours working out. I will run, lift weights, do ab workouts, all these different exercises to stay in shape. I do not even question why I do this and if I am pressed for time or for some reason cannot make time for a workout, I feel like something is missing from my day. I want to keep my body in shape. I try to eat right so I can fuel my body right and have energy in order to workout. The end result is I want to be healthy and selfishly, I want to feel good about how I look. I work out because I desire something. I desire to feel good. So I am intentional about carving out time in my day to do these things.
These thoughts were crossing through my mind the other day while I was running and then God peeked in and was like, "Yeah, Robs, I know you like to spend time with me here and you listen to worship music and all but how much of the time are you really being intentional in spending time with Me." Ding Ding Ding! Lightbulb for Robyn. I physically workout everyday but what am I doing to spiritually workout? Is my spirit as in shape as my body? The humbling answer for me was sadly, no. Why am I not making time to engage in something that is truly life-saving. Society preaches on keeping your body healthy and in shape but what good does that do if you are dead on the inside? The Bible clearly says, "the training of the body has a limited benefit, but godliness is beneficial in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come." -1 Timothy 4:8
I need to make time in my day to get in a workout spiritually, just like I do physically. I get up at odd hours to go run, so why not get up at even odd-er hours to spend time with the Lord?! If I am fueling my body with His word then there is no question I will have the energy to do everything else He has set out for me in the day.
How are you spiritually training?
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